Monday, June 29, 2009

journaling rocks!

I love journaling. I have quite a number of journals stored up from when I was little. Sometime last year I was cleaning out my room when I found a few of my old journals. I started going back through them. I was amazed and intrigued by some of the things I had written down! Things that I'd forgotten about, things that made me laugh, things that made me cry, things that made me happy.
Thats when I decided that one of my resolutions this year was that I would start keeping a journal again. And I'm proud to say that I've kept that resolution.

I've been following this blog for awhile now and at the beginning of the year she started a project called 52Q. She puts up a journaling prompt every week. Every week I've been writing them down but I've never taken the time to do anything else. Well that changed last week. Now that I'm 6 months behind, I decided to start. So I did...and here are my first few.

week one
52Q - week 1 q
52Q - week 1 a

week two
52Q - week 2 q
52Q - week 2 a

week three
52Q - week 3 q
52Q - week 3 a

Really, you should do it. Its fun...its a stress-reliever...and its a way to keep track of your life RIGHT NOW. Take it and interpret it however you want. If you need inspiration, check out the flickr group. But do this project. Seriously.