Okay, so a couple months ago I posted a picture of a quilt kit that I was really excited to start. Well I started it back then...but all I did was cut the strips. Then it got shoved in the corner. Over this Memorial Day weekend I pulled it back out. And finished it! Well not quite. All thats left is the binding which I am working on tonight. After work on Sunday I came home and laid out all the strips, pinned the back and the batting together and then began sewing. I wasn't able to get too much done because it was late but I was hooked. I LOVE quilting!!! When I woke up Monday morning that was the first thing I wanted to do. I worked on it for 5 hours straight and finished it...well except for the binding.
I'm ready to start my next one. I'm going to start cutting my squares out of the Heather Ross fabric I bought a month or so ago.
AND I just ordered some more fabric for ANOTHER quilt pattern that I saw at a store on Saturday. It should be showing up in the mail any day now.
I think this is probably one of those hobbies that I should not have gotten into...
My sister and I went and saw Earth last night. And the best part was that it only cost $3.50 for the both of us (mmhmm...gotta love buy-one-get-one-free coupons and Tuesday Bargain night at a cute little twin theatre). Okay so that wasn't the best part...the movie was the best part. More specifically, the polar bears were the best part. They were so cute. I wish I had one for a friend. The movie was beautiful and it made me glad that I'm not an animal. Nah, it really opened my eyes. It was good.
I'm recommending it to everyone.
And sadly, my holga film still hasn't come back. I was informed that it could take up to two more weeks. Seriously?!!